Miracles School Partnership
Over the past three years Miracles has developed a close partnership with some of the UK’s leading schools – most recently with Ampleforth College, Eaton Square School and St Martin’s.
Both Eaton Square and St Martin’s chose Miracles as their annual charity because of our work with children living in poverty in London. They wanted to partner with a local charity that worked with disadvantaged children and their families and who could translate this work in an age appropriate way for their students.
St Martin’s is partnering with Miracles throughout 2019 and is using the partnership to help their students understand the impact poverty has on a community and to help them empathise with children living in poverty in their local area.
For more information about the St Martins School partnership please visit our blog here.
A Miracles school partnership
We will work as closely with your school as you want – parents, children and teachers - sharing the positive impact the partnership will have on our work - through a number of joint initiatives and events.
We can help you reach and meet your local community commitments through our work in some of the UK’s poorest boroughs - which have some of the highest rates of child poverty in the UK.
Working with your PTA and/or charitable committee, we can help devise activities and events that can be assimilated into your events calendar incorporating presentations, workshops and fundraising activities.
The emphasis will always be on how your students can make positive and lasting changes within the local community.
Some suggested activities
Assembly presentations – brief talks, slide shows and films of Miracles work and projects and your school's involvement. The aim to inspire and encourage students to take an active part.
Creating respite break welcome packs for each family staying at one of the Miracles holiday caravans at the start of a familyy respite stay.
Welcome home sponsored packages for families coming home after a respite break or a gruelling round of chemotherapy – such as filling the fridge with food (a supermarket delivery) also available for families who cannot afford a full weekly shop.
Summer party (or Christmas if more relevant/appropriate – or both!) for all the children who have been able to attend a respite break and those we have supported through crisis funding – supported and attended by parents and pupils from your school – a chance to meet and interact with families supported by the school.
Suggested location are picnics in a London park with ball games, Thames boat ride or Tower of London day out.
Some suggested fund raising events
Student events – dress down days, cake sales, walk a mile in their shoes etc.
Social events such as quiz nights, Karaoke competitions.
Annual fundraising dinner. Ticketed social evening for school parents held at a convenient, local location. The evening would focus on fundraising for Miracles utilising electronic auctions, raffles, live auctions, etc. Arranged and organised in partnership with Miracles.
Sponsorship events such as marathons, bike rides, walks, parachute jumps, etc. We have a whole collection of activities for students, teachers and parents to get involved in should they wish to personalise their fundraising efforts.
If you are interested in talking further to Miracles about a school partnership, please email us or call us on 07545174243