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What the professionals say

Great Ormond Street Hospital

‘The help provided by Miracles for this family with such a generous grant and so promptly at this point has been truly amazing and enabled them to avoid facing eviction from their home. On behalf of ourselves and the family, thank you so much!


Mother of two, the youngest suffering from Leukemia and undergoing extensive chemotherapy. Now expecting another baby. Forced to give up work and struggling with mounting debts and court orders. Council finally issued eviction order unless immediate payment was made. Miracles negotiated an acceptable settlement of £600 paid direct to the council

CLIC Sargent – Royal Marsden Hospital

'We are writing to thank you for all your support which enables us to reach out to families affected by any form of childhood cancer. We couldn’t do what we do without your help and we want you to know it’s appreciated.'

With our thanks and good wishes from all in the CLIC Sargent team at the Royal Marsden Hospital.

CLIC Sargent social worker – Royal Marsden Hospital

'This is just to let you know that the little boy you are helping has really turned a corner since he received the interactive toy tiger from Miracles at Christmas. He has now had a tracheostomy and gastrostomy and is much more interactive so that plans can now be made for him to step down from intensive care with a possible discharge in the next 6 months. His parents are being supported by a new team of solicitors who are confident they will be able to help them with their immigration issues, benefits entitlement and NHS eligibility. He continues to love his tiger which is now part of his day to day routine. Thank you from us all for the miracles you create.'

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