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Theo Ellert

Miracles Mission in Bosnia-Hertzegovina

The Miracles prosthetics Teams excellent work in Mostar goes from strength to strength and we are all deeply grateful to the Children of The World charity for its pledge of $30,000 pa over the next three years towards the general running of the Miracles Centre. This past year, with funding from La Fondation Miracles Suisse, The International Trust Fund and St. Joseph and the Helpers Charity we have been able to provide a total of 43 new limbs over the year along with 57 corrections, 3 foot replacements, 27 insoles, 5 orthotic devices and 12 silicon gels.

We are delighted to have welcomed Sophie Fauchier twice this year along with several representatives from La Fondation, the ITF and German Embassy, St. Joseph’s and The Helpers Charity and the Jericho Foundation as well as Pierre Kern and Tony Giglio, CPOs from Switzerland (right) whose help, professional input and ongoing commitment to our work is most welcome.

Visits from local schools and student seminars have taken place at the Centre plus sessions with physiotherapy students and those from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at Mostar University

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